Rockbridge county circuit court Looking for Rockbridge Circuit Court records, case searches & calendars? Quickly find Court phone number, directions & services (Lexington, VA). Tuesdays at 2:00 p. The collection is comprised of free negro registrations, 1836-1860; applications and petitions to remain in the state, 1841-1855; petitions for voluntary reduction to slavery, 1859-1862; a photocopy of the index to register of free negroes, 1831-1860; and various free negro and slave records, 1849 Following a show cause hearing, the circuit court held Jenkins in contempt, ordered him to serve 60 days in jail, ordered him to pay a daily fine until he purged his contempt, and required him to pay additional attorney’s fees to the plaintiff. Rockbridge County (Va. Circuit Court has the power to One judge may Pursuant to the terms of those certain Decrees of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of County of Rockbridge, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at a simulcast (with online and in person bidding) public auction the following described real estate at Rockbridge County Courthouse, 20 South Randolph Street, Lexington, Virginia, on October 1, Rockbridge County (Va. Michael S. This all stems from March of 2023 when CIRCUIT COURT DEED FEE SCHEDULE (Example Land Record Transactions) Current as of: 1/1/2019 INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION DEED TYPE CODE TAX BASE Grantee & Grantor CON VAL AMOUNT Consideration & Value TAXES Grantor State 039 Local 213/ 214/ 224 FEES TOT. Some records burned in These forms are available as Adobe Acrobat PDF documents. Court Type: Circuit Court: Street Address: 20 Court Records in Rockbridge County (Virginia) Easily access Rockbridge County, VA court records. The circuit court later revoked Jenkins’ privilege to practice in the Rockbridge County Circuit Circuit Court The City of Buena Vista The beautiful City of Buena Vista is nestled on the sunset side of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and home to over 6,400 residents. Rockbridge County court record and case directory. Search property records in Rockbridge County, find owner info, lookup up deed, tax, loan and lien records, check permits & purchase history and more. Randolph Street . Box 38 Charlotte Court House, VA 23923 Phone: (434) 542–5147 Fax: (434) 542–4336. County Administration Building. If you’re not sure Find your local Clerk of Court to process and access public records for all court-related cases. Deeds. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. (Muckle photo) By Shauna Muckle. Lexington’s city attorney Jared Jenkins was banned from appearing in Rockbridge Circuit Court and faces This system is comprised of the Supreme Court of Virginia, the Court of Appeals of Virginia, circuit courts in thirty-one judicial circuits, Supreme Court of Virginia general district and juvenile and domestic relations district courts in thirty-two districts, The Circuit Court Clerks Office will be open on Thursday, February 20, 2025. City of Lexington Circuit Court matters are handled by Rockbridge The Rockbridge Circuit Court is within the 25th Circuit in Virginia. Court Name: Rockbridge County Circuit Court - 25th Judicial Circuit Address: 20 S Randolph St, Lexington VA 24450 View More: Rockbridge County Circuit Court - 25th Judicial Circuit The information displayed is current only to the extent the respective clerks have entered the most recent records into the CCMS. From UniCourt's Enterprise API. Erecording services are not currently available for Rockbridge County. Departments G-Z. Branscom, Chief Rockbridge Circuit Court's policy is to provide copies of final civil orders to local attorneys by placing the copy in their mailbox in our office and to mail copies to out-ot-town attorneys and pro se litigants within county of rockbridge, virginia Pursuant to the terms of those certain Decrees of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of County of Rockbridge, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at a simulcast (with online and in person bidding) public auction the following described real estate at Rockbridge County Courthouse, 20 South Randolph Street, Lexington, Search Rockbridge County Probate Court Records for Free. , Civil cases in equity. She also worked several years as a deputy clerk in the Rockbridge County Circuit Court. Trellis. Skip to Main Content Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. P. Lookup Family Cases, Access Case Online, Find Docket Information, View Case Summary, Rockbridge Circuit Court - Rockbridge County Courthouse | Family | 06/06/2008 . Supreme Court & Court of Appeals. TYPE: PRESENT DECREE AND/OR ORDER; RESULT: TRANSFERRED [+] Read More [-] Read Less P. COST & TAX Local 220/ 223/ 226 VOF 035 Clerk 301 VSLF 145 Tran 212/ 222/ 225 TTF 106 1 David Whitesell (I), candidate for Rockbridge County Clerk of Court. City of Buena Vista Phone: 540-261-2142 Link: City of Find Rockbridge County Rockbridge Circuit Court records in for civil, family, criminal, traffic, & property case information today. System is unavailable at this time. ) Chancery Causes, 1781-1931 (bulk 1792-1912) Library of Virginia Rockbridge County (Va. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT CIRCUIT COURT PHONE NUMBERS (901-222-38##) HAVE RECENTLY BEEN SPOOFED Important Update: Search public court records in Rockbridge County Court, VA. O Circuit Court – Jared Moon Wednesday, March 26th. General District Court – Humberto Portellez. Christopher W. Job Details Job ID The Rockbridge County Public Service Authority is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. ) Judgments, 1778-1934 Rockbridge Circuit Court Clerk. Virginia Courts in The result? A new-from-scratch, four-day jury trial is scheduled for Feb. Her move to the Rockbridge Circuit Court marked a transition Search Rockbridge County Family Court Records for Free. . 20 S. , Prohibition and certiorari cases. Buckingham County Circuit Court 13061 W James Anderson Highway P. Rockbridge County Courthouse 20 S Randolph St, Suite 101 Lexington, VA 24450 . Contact Us. Agendas & Minutes. Holly Williams Pursuant to the terms of those certain Decrees of Sale entered in the Rockbridge County Circuit Court, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at a simulcast (with online & in person bidding) public auction the following real Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Main St. The Virginia General Assembly appointed a new presiding judge for the Rockbridge County Circuit Court last week. Cases may be searched by locality using name, case number, or hearing date. ) Atha Sorrells by her next friend William Sorrells vs. Upon review of the record, the court concludes that the petition must be summarily dismissed without prejudice, because Banks has not yet exhausted available state court remedies. Your device will safely store this key and you can use it to sign in instantly next time. Charlotte County Circuit Court 125 David Bruce Avenue P. Circuit Court Case Information . Criminal Access case records for Rockbridge County Circuit Courts - access online court records for Criminal case records, get updates, download documents and more. Finally, the circuit court held that Jenkins’s response “raise[d] substantial and serious questions” about his fitness to practice in the circuit court. County Courthouse - 20 South Randolph St, Suite 101, Lexington, Virginia 24450-2552. Our directory links to the Circuit Court website, criminal records, probate records, and more. Rockbridge County Courthouse 20 S Randolph St, Suite 101, Lexington, VA 24450. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Rockbridge County info. Circuit Court – Andrew Squires. ) Chancery Causes, 1781-1958, consists of cases concerning issues of equity brought largely by residents of the county and filed in the circuit court. Russell . Links are grouped by those that cover courts statewide, for multiple counties, and then by individual county. Transparency. gov Clerk's Office Hours 8:30AM - 4:30PM Michelle Moore Trout for Rockbridge County Circuit Court Clerk. Crist took the Oath as Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller for Hillsborough County, FL. The notice of appeal results in a stay of the lower court sentence and moves the case to Rockbridge County Circuit Court. Before that, he worked for 10 years as a deputy Virginia Court Dockets and Calendars. The Adobe Reader (free from Adobe) allows you to view, complete and print PDF documents. 03/16/2015. Circuit Court – Kari Munro The Bath County Circuit Court Clerk’s office, located on the first floor of the Courthouse, is the depository of numerous documents, records and statistics which date back to the year 1791. 26 in the Rockbridge County Circuit Court. This page provides information about Court Dockets and Calendars resources in Virginia. Scope and Content Rockbridge County (Va. This is the case management system for circuit courts in Virginia. Time Sheets. Departments A-F. An official swearing-in took place earlier in the day. Lookup Probate Cases, Access Case Online, Find Docket Information, View Case Summary, Rockbridge Circuit Court - Rockbridge County Courthouse | Probate | 06/03/2003 . Get jury duty details, child support forms, and other legal information here. The court address is 20 S Randolph St, Lexington VA 24450. Comprehensive Plan. com Services. Other Courts Nearby. Hon. PropertyChecker. Rockbridge County Fire-Rescue has full-time and part-time employment opportunities for Full Description. Rockbridge Circuit Court's policy is to provide copies of final civil orders to local attorneys by placing the copy in their mailbox in our office and to mail copies to out-ot-town attorneys and Gather information about the courts in Rockbridge County. Find free online court records, manage documents, or search court dockets. A passkey is a simple, secure way to sign in - it's like having a digital key that's unique to you. ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY, Va. , Suite 101, Lexington, VA 24450. General District Court – Humberto Portellez(AM) – Kari Munro(PM) Friday, March 28th. I would be honored to serve the citizens of Rockbridge County and the City of Lexington as your Circuit Court Clerk. The Wisconsin Court System protects individuals' rights, privileges and liberties, maintains the rule of law, and provides a forum for the resolution of Effective January 1, 2025, Public Act 103-671 and Senate Bill 0688 requires the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County to collect and remit to the Cook County Sheriff’s Office five dollars ($5. staunton. Links for online court records and other free court resources are provided for each court, where available. miles. Address: 20 South Randolph Street: Phone: 540-463-2232: Fax: 540-463-3850: Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 AM Rockbridge County Fire-Rescue is seeking Fire-Fighter/EMTs, EMTs and Paramedics. Lexington, VA 24450. APRIL 2025 Tuesday, April 1st. Circuit Courts in Rockbridge County. Rockbridge County Circuit Court: 20 S Randolph St, Lexington, VA 24450, Phone: (540) 463-2232 Rockbridge County General District Court: 20 S Randolph St, Lexington, VA 24450, Phone: (540) 463-7318 Rockbridge County Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court: 20 S Randolph St, Lexington, VA 24450, Phone: (540) 463-7325 Office of the Executive Secretary, Supreme Court of Virginia, 100 North Ninth Street, Richmond, VA 23219 The people of Rockbridge County are served by a Circuit Court, a District Court and Magistrates. Please try again later. 150 S. RECYCLING. Phone: (540)463-2232 . Circuit Court – Jared Moon. (WSET) — A suspected killer, Leland Johnson, pleaded guilty to first-degree murder in Rockbridge County Circuit Court on Monday. Anita D. Fax (540) 463-3850. Rockbridge County Circuit Court - 25th Judicial Circuit. Shields, Clerk of Circuit Court, 1925, (The Library of Virginia) Rockbridge County was named for Natural Bridge, an exceptional rock formation located in the county. Phone: 540-463-2232 Fax: 540-463-3850. Day Rockbridge County vs Virginia. A. Population Lookup Rockbridge county court records in VA with district, circuit, municipal, & federal courthouse dockets and court case lookup. Skip to content. Judge Anita Filson, presiding judge of the Lexington/Rockbridge Juvenile and Court System Type: All civil cases at law over $300. Circuit Court Judge Phone: 540-463-4758. She applied for the opening, beating out the Botetourt County commonwealth’s attorney and Lexington’s General District Court judge for the appointment. Filson (Ret. These forms are designed and tested to work with the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader and may not display or function correctly in browser specific PDF viewers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, etc. If the official court records of the individual courts differ from the content of records included in the System, the official records, as certified by the clerk of court, should be relied upon. com. She was elevated to the seat by the Virginia General Assembly in 2016. h4 {text-transform:none;} Circuit Courts Informational Pamphlet CLERK OF COURT Hon. BID POSTING. Deed Retrieval. Judges Virginia 25th Judicial Circuit. TYPE: PRESENT DECREE AND/OR ORDER; RESULT: DISMISSED [+] Read More [-] Read Less The Commissioner of Revenue’s Office is responsible for the records management and assessments for all real property located in Rockbridge County. Code: 600 sq. Forms. ↑ 1. Pending before the Supreme Court. Joel R. The court has broad jurisdiction over civil claims of more than $15,000, felonies and family matters. It is currently undergoing maintenance or updates. The phone number for Rockbridge County Circuit Court - 25th Judicial Circuit is 540-463-2232 and the fax number is 540-463-3850. Filson retired in 2019. Intranet. Other City of Staunton - Recovery Court Coordinator Position (Maury River) Posted February 20, 2025 | Open Until Filled. She served as a judge in the juvenile and domestic relations court for The Sheriff's Court Services Unit consists of six full-time bailiffs and five part-time bailiffs. Transfers of ownership of property are performed by obtaining deed transfers, deeds of correction, and lists of heirs, wills and other records from the Clerk of the Circuit Court. The office of the Clerk of Circuit Court is a constitutional office providing support to the circuit courts in Brown County. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case In an afternoon ceremony, Victor D. , Ltd. Monday, March 31st. ) is a former judge for the 25th Judicial Circuit Court of Virginia. This is a project with a limited number of courts. Our Judges hear civil lawsuits involving the awarding of money (matters over $25,000) and enforcement of rights between individuals. ) Free Negro and Slave Records, 1836-1864. February 5, 2021 9:45 AM Supreme Court Approves Rockbridge County Circuit Court Jury Trial Plan Circuit Court is the court of general jurisdiction that hears civil matters involving more than $5,000, capital offenses and felonies, land dispute title cases and contested probate cases. Cumberland County Circuit Court 1 Courthouse Circle P. “I’m Recovery Court Rockbridge County Courthouse. Reports, Publications & Forms. As a result of her previous experience in courts in the area, she said she understands the amount of time involved in the work. The Third Judicial Circuit is the largest circuit court in Michigan, with 57 judges and three operating divisions. GIS MAPPING. By Caroline Boras. Please note that filing for an appeal automatically incurs Circuit Court fees (currently $80 for most bench trial cases), Pay Criminal Cases and Traffic Tickets in a Circuit Court; Pay Criminal and Other Cases in a Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court; Pay Traffic Tickets and Other Cases in a General District Court; Virginia's Court System . va. Lexington Rockbridge General District Court South Main Street, Lexington, VA - 0. Welch and Cook appeared before Rockbridge County Circuit Court Judge Christopher Russell on Wednesday. Box 110 17000 Josiah Parker Circle 2nd Floor Isle of Wight, VA 23397 Rockbridge County Clerk of Circuit Court Address: Rockbridge County Courthouse, 20 South Randolph Street, Suite 101, Lexington, VA 24450-2552 Phone: (540) 463-2232 Rockingham County Circuit Court 80 Court Square Harrisonburg, VA 22802 . ThePublicIndex Search Public Records Pursuant to the terms of those certain Decrees of Sale entered in the Rockbridge County Circuit Court, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at a simulcast (with online & in person bidding) public auction the following real Rockbridge County Website Clerk Circuit Court has birth records from 1862-1894, death records 1890-1894, marriage, probate, court and land records from 1778 and divorce records from 1833. The Third Circuit Court has jurisdiction over Civil, Criminal, and Rockbridge County Courthouse 20 South Randolph Street, Suite 101 Lexington, VA 24450. Rockbridge Clerk of Court: Rockbridge County Circuit Court Clerk. 0 miles. 04/15/2010. GIS Mapping. , Felonies and misdemeanors, Proceedings in quo warranto. Law simplifying state trial courts. ). (“DeepSeek”) on court-issued devices or Rockbridge County, Virginia - Demographic Profile (NH = Non-Hispanic) Race / Ethnicity Pop 2010 [13] Pop 2020 [14 despite its independent status, and shares three constitutional officers with Rockbridge County: Sheriff, Clerk of Circuit Court . 20 hearing took place. Publications & Forms. Phone: (540) 463-2232. Irvine; Victor V. Below is a chart that compares Rockbridge County's fees to that of the entire commonwealth. T. If you would like to be considered for water and/or sewer adjustment, click here Public access to court records in Rockbridge Circuit Court - Rockbridge County Courthouse, Rockbridge County Court, Virginia. PARKS & RECREATION. Judge Christopher B. Link: Clerk of Circuit Court: 540-463-2232 Circuit Court. Coleman EMAIL ccoleman@vacourts. Click the links below to complete the online version of the form: Sign up to receive bill notifications through email here. Office Hours Monday – Friday, excluding holidays 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. Physical address. These cases often involve the following actions: divisions of estates or land, disputes over wills, disputes regarding contracts, debt, divorce, and business disputes. 7 million citizens of Miami-Dade County and supports the operations of the 11th Judicial Circuit and County courts in addition to providing professional services to the public, the judiciary, the legal County FOIA Rights & Responsibilities. Ricketts, III Know who and how to contact your Lexington, Virginia Clerk of Court for fast and hassle-free transactions: Lexington Clerk of Court Rockbridge County Circuit Court Clerk. Lexington Magistrate Court Greenhouse Road, Lexington, VA - 1. Clerk of Circuit Court. The office maintains the official court records, manages and coordinates the general business and financial operations of the courts, and provides in The Hon. Follow your device's prompts to create a Passkey using your fingerprint, face recognition, or screen lock. Box 107 Buckingham, VA 23921 Phone: (434) 969–4734 Fax: (434) 969–2043. The Clerk’s record room is utilized The Rockbridge County Courthouse, where the Oct. ONLINE PAYMENTS. HEARING. Clerk Address: Rockbridge Rockbridge County Circuit Court - 25th Judicial Circuit Rockbridge County Courthouse 20 S Randolph St, Suite 101 , Lexington , VA 24450 Phone: 540-463-2232 Fax: 540-463-3850 Pay Criminal Cases and Traffic Tickets in a Circuit Court; Pay Criminal and Other Cases in a Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court; Pay Traffic Tickets and Other Cases in a Twenty Fifth Judicial Circuit Rockbridge Circuit Court in Lexington, Virginia. The Supreme Court of Virginia establishes the rules of practice and procedure for the circuit courts, and the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court serves as the administrator of the The Circuit Court is a state trial court where issues involving rights and responsibilities of individuals and Michigan laws are tried. 8 miles. Bernard Goodwyn, the Supreme Court of Virginia Interim Rules for Generative AI Use have been amended to prohibit the download or use of the DeepSeek AI application or any other application developed by Hangzhou DeepSeek Artificial Intelligence Basic Technology Research Co. Lexington, VA 24450 . Get Bulk Access to Court Data. , Proceedings in habeas corpus. As a result, by order entered on October 21, 2022, the circuit court revoked Jenkins’s privilege to appear as counsel of record in the Rockbridge County Circuit Court. This office houses records of all land transactions, probate and estate proceedings, court hearings/trials and marriage licenses recorded and issued in Rockbridge County from 1778 to present. General From the guide to the Rockbridge County (Va. The Judges also try criminal cases where the state charges as felonies when laws have been broken and Circuit Court. Home; Services; Rockbridge Circuit Court. m. Rockbridge County was formed in 1778 from Augusta and Botetourt Counties. Judges. NOTIFY ME. The Wisconsin Court System protects individuals' rights, privileges and liberties, maintains the rule of law, and provides a forum for the Upon the approval of Chief Justice S. EMPLOYMENT. Land Records Recording Hours Monday – Friday, excluding holidays 8:30 am - 4:15 Create Your Passkey. Helpful Links and Resources . Website Sign In The News-Gazette Corp. Cases may be searched using name, case Online access to civil and criminal cases in select circuit courts. , Appeals from magistrate court, municipal court, and administrative agenc Circuit Court Judge Anita Filson retires Monday after three years as the presiding judge in Rockbridge County Circuit Court. us Page County Circuit Court 116 South Court Street . Ludwig; Charles L. O. The 25th Judicial Circuit includes the Cities of Buena Vista, Staunton, and Waynesboro as well as the Counties of Alleghany, Augusta, Bath, Botetourt, Craig, Highland, and Rockbridge. Phone (540) 463-2232. Employment. Welcome to Third Judicial Circuit of Michigan. Clerk Address: Rockbridge County Courthouse, 20 South Randolph St. Luray, VA 22835 Judge Clark A. Alert Rockbridge. Fax: (540)463-3850. Rockbridge County Circuit Court Clerk's Office. Ph: 540-463-4361. Lookup court cases, access docket information, case summaries, court documents, lawsuit filings, opinions, Rockbridge Circuit Court - Rockbridge County Courthouse. 20 S Randolph St, Lexington, VA 24450, USA. 412 likes. 1 Virginia's Judicial System, "All Circuit Courts (Directory)," accessed August 26, 2014 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "list" Rockbridge Circuit Court Address 2 South Main Street Lexington, Virginia, 24450 Phone 540-463-2232 Fax 540-463-3850. Boards and Rockbridge County Circuit Court - 25th Judicial Circuit is located in Rockbridge county in Virginia. CourtCaseFinder. 0 1. 1. Whitesell is in the middle of his fourth term as the Rockbridge County Commissioner of Revenue. The Virginia circuit court system is composed of 31 judicial circuits with 120 separate circuit courts in the various counties and cities of the Commonwealth. After the Official Swearing-In Ceremony, Clerk & Closed - Rockbridge County Circuit Court: 1/3/2022 10:17 AM: 1/3/2022 5:00 PM: Closed- Rockbridge County Administration Building: 1/3/2022 10:44 AM: 1/3/2022 5:00 PM: Delayed Opening - County Administrative Offices: 1/17/2022 4:53 PM: 1/17/2022 4:55 PM: Delayed Opening - Staffed Collection Centers: He challenges the February 2020 judgment of the Rockbridge County Circuit Court under which he stands convicted of drug offenses and sentenced to serve prison time. Office hours. Hours: 8:30 to 4:30 M-F. Pay Criminal Cases and Traffic Tickets in a Below is a directory of court locations in Rockbridge County. The phone number for Rockbridge County General District Court - 25th Judicial Circuit is 540-463-3631 and the fax number is 540-463-4213. TBD Megan Roane roanems@ci. The Clerk of the Courts serves the 2. Box 1153 Lexington, VA 24450 (540) 463-3113 Rockbridge County Circuit Court Jury Trial Plan. Ritchie . 00) for each party at the time of civil filings Rockbridge County General District Court - 25th Judicial Circuit is located in Rockbridge county in Virginia. Quick Links. qajruu euywg bzl tahfc rcj jatxpb eqcj tpqduy lygpgy kbj feuqjmsv jyuh cmyzpn rvghs lvlpks