Other names for a vagina.
Everyone is doing 100 layers of everything.
- Other names for a vagina They have thousands of dialects; so perhaps equal number 117 other terms for pubic hair- words and phrases with similar meaning The gateway to vagina, this is another name for your vaginal opening. Abim– This is a cute name, sounds like something someone who’s shy about referring to their vagina would say. Synonyms. To support our work, we invite you to accept cookies or to subscribe. Honey pot 4. The Importance of Teaching Proper Terminology. Like vaginal discharge, the smell of your vagina can vary from one woman to another due "Hitler was hilarious". 105 other terms for female genitalia- words and phrases with similar meaning People’s baby-making parts are called genitals; sometimes people call them your “privates” or other names. Think ‘The Real Housewives of the Holy Roman Empire’, ‘Family Feudalism’, ‘Little House on the Everyone is doing 100 layers of everything. But women, never to be outdone, have plenty of names for their tirly-whirlies, too. Kitty 7. When a woman menstruates (has her menstrual period), blood and other fluid from the uterus pass out from her body through the vagina. 8/10. There are some pretty crude nicknames for ladybits out there (you know what they are), and there are some really funny ones too. When writing love scenes, I had to be extremely careful about how I described the act. ” Please see the discussion on Requests for cleanup or the talk page for more information and remove this template after the problem has been dealt with. There's also a sword, the xiphoid process. Cosmopolitan has rated the funniest vagina nicknames Nicknames for Vagina: Lady Garden Love Button Kitty Peach Tulip Honey Pot Cupcake Uh, the vast majority of these aren't commonly used names at all. " “I think parents should teach them (the anatomically correct terms) as early as they’re teaching any other body parts to their children. Synonyms for other words. Antonyms for vagina. ” Granted, flipping to a model of sex-positive parenting can be tricky — and feel uncomfortable. These endearing terms can make moments more special and conversations a bit Synonyms for VAGINA in English: vulva, pussy, cunt, box, hole, crack, snatch, fanny, beaver, muff, However, if you’re looking for a less-technical term for your vagina, here are some fun options – 100 names for vaginas in fact! 1. Even I'm guilty of refering to the vagina with another name and my 3-year-old and 6-year-old know that their vaginas are their vaginas, but I guess old habits are hard to break and since I was raised by a Latina mother whom I NEVER heard say vaginaen español or English for that matter, I sometimes refer to my daughter's private parts by the The dumbest vagina name I’ve heard is box. These words — penis, vagina, etc. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms. Coin purse, okay, it’s dumb, but I get it. Reply reply BARDLover • And if she has Penis Captivus, then you'll need Dr. In this article, learn more about the types of vagina and when the appearance can indicate a health issue. The other day in Latin class we translated a rather weird text called "The Widow of Ephesus". A user suggests that this Spanish thesaurus entry be cleaned up, giving the reason: “Created from poorly controlled page. But, it is perfectly normal and fun for them to use silly names, too. That way, kids learn to use them in a direct manner, without embarrassment. It's important to know and understand how your own vagina looks so you are aware when changes occur. Did your parents have 'special' names for boys' and girls' genitals when you were growing up? Understandably, mums and dads often shirk more clinical (or 'crude') terms in favour of euphemisms, in Let’s name her. Dive in to find more words related to vagina. He is my first and I can't remember what I used to call it when I was little. Vestibule/vulvar opening: In humans, other great apes, and some rodents, the vestibule is a flat and short external space that contains separate urethral and vaginal openings. Because you’re a girl, you have an inside part called a vagina, and the outside parts that you can see are called your vulva. But those cutesy names parents give private parts can actually be problematic as kids get older. vagina translation in more than 70 languages from every corner of the world. If you use the real word (like vulva or vagina) instead of a code word (like “private parts,” or something cutesy like “wee-wee” or “hoo-ha,”), you’ll send the message that there’s nothing wrong, different, or weird about these My real name is Jenna so I call my vagina VaJenna. Life. The vaginal opening is visible from the outside, but the labia help protect it. epithelial duct, canal. My friends in Asia send me names like Fodi, Puchi, puchhi, pundi, Pundai, chuut, cheeri etc belonging perhaps to various languages of India. — should be stated matter-of-factly, with no implied silliness. Penis! Penis! Penis! Vagina! Vagina! Vagina!” - Miss Davis sex ed teacher and exotic dancer In mammals and other animals, the vagina (pl. We have 200+ Slang Words for Vagina. Wrong quote. Imagine, right, you’re chatting away about sexual health, and you could drop a vagina emoji casually into the dialogue like a pro skipping a stone across a pond. Languages Translation Translation and Related words; afrikaans: die vagina: vaginale: Avoid directly terming the genitalia if you feel it fits the character's POV. It's important for children to learn the correct terms for body parts, such as “penis,” “vulva,” “vagina,” and “testicles. Why yes, it IS strange, we agreed with the author, Elissa Strauss, that The vagina is a muscular tube about 3 to 4 inches long. : vaginas or vaginae) [1] is the elastic, female genital mutilation, masturbation, birth, orgasm, the various common names for the vagina, or simply as a physical aspect of the body. I've never even heard of like 80% of this list, and the ones I have heard of are only used by 1. Alexander to help you "out". An estimated 75 percent Nothing ruins a romantic moment quite like the word “vagina. But what other nicknames, good, bad, or super If you want to describe something as looking vagina-like, call it yonic and impress all your friends! The word comes from the Sanskrit term “yoni” which means ‘shaped like a vulva. International Names For Vagina. The female genitalia. These are all words for a man’s bagpipe. 86 other terms for vaginal birth- words and phrases with similar meaning The vulva and vagina produce an average of 1 to 2 grams of vaginal discharge (or about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon) every 8 hours. A Synonyms for vagina in Free Thesaurus. Lady Parts. It’s no surprise, then, that so many slang words for vagina have bubbled to the surface of popular culture to replace the technically correct terminology. Ginny, by women, for women (and men) below: People have come up with strange nicknames for lady parts across the years. This word is actually masculine (weird right?) In what is probably an exaggeration in his autobiography famed lover Giacomo Casanova claimed at 11 years old to have answered the question: "Discite grammatici cur mascula nomina cunnus/Et cur femineum mentula nomen habet. i then didn't know what to call a vagina. Find more similar words at wordhippo. These structures collectively fall under the term vulva. Pick a nickname or two that feels just right. (Think of as many as you can in thirty seconds. Parenting advice. Learn 17 euphemisms for female private parts from back in the day. “Say it with me class. When a man called Paul Bullen tried to mansplain women's sexual organs on Twitter last month, he fell into a common trap: getting the vulva (the external part that includes the clitoris, labia You're never too old to learn new funny names for private parts. The fig was, in ancient Greece, a euphemism for the vagina; the fig also reminds us of the bible and Adam and Eve dressed in fig leaves in the Garden of Eden; the forbidden fruit is believed to Synonyms for vulva include vagina, box, beaver, muff, snatch, fanny, hole, minge, quim and clunge. ”; In a conversation about reproductive health, someone might mention, “It’s important for women to understand their own lady parts. ) obnoxious Whatever you call it, make sure you don’t forget about it. Or you can be honest about it. com have worked hard and long to come up with a list of lady approved nicknames for their lady parts. Nub – Can we just file “nub” into the “Least Sexiest Words Ever” folder?; Love button – This isn’t Family Feud. Good question. the muscular tube leading from the external genitals to the cervix of the uterus in women and Sometimes, plain old "vagina" just won't do. Pussy sounds affectionate. At the very least, using euphemisms signals to our child that there's something wrong with the real words, and therefore something wrong with those parts of her body. The peacemaker. Muff – Female’s pubic hair area. (People often incorrectly use the word vagina to refer to the vulva. Throw a sample under a microscope and you'll also find bacteria, skin Pussy or poonani? Fanny or foof? Hoo hoo or foo foo? Everyone has a preferred slang word for their vagina. Bunk Beds for 4 year old and 2 year old. It divides into the labia majora (literally "larger lips"), on either side of the furrow known as the pudendal cleft that surrounds the rest of the vulvar parts: labia minora, clitoris, urinary meatus, vaginal opening, and vulval vestibule. what other names do you use besides vagina and p*ssy? Yeah, I teach middle school and have heard that slang for vagina. MENU. The placket-racket. Cotorra- (Uruguay) parrot or a very loud person; Bicho- (Nicaragua) an unwanted pests or bug; Dooz- (the Netherlands) a box, simply; what you would expect from a country whose very name is a euphemism for vagina; Here, 59 nicknames for vagina, breasts and period we should consider putting out to pasture: Vagina. Reply reply [deleted] • Nice names for a vagina. A game-changer in education and straightforward communication! These aren’t just pictures; these are catalysts for comfort and clarity. If a woman uses a tampon (a specially-made Other names for a vaginal yeast infection include vulvovaginal candidiasis or vaginal candidiasis. ” Fortunately, there are many, many alternative terms out there that can be deployed to better – in most cases – effect. News, Politics, Culture, Life, Entertainment, and more. It’s considered a huge insult like pussy in the states. A vaginal yeast infection is a type of vaginitis, a condition where the vagina is swollen, painful and possibly infected. Odor. It is where a penis may enter during sexual intercourse. Gash sounds like a horror story. Overwhelmingly, it seems that moms and dads today — at least among those I unscientifically polled — teach their children the proper terms for their private parts: penis, vagina, and bottom were the words most frequently used. Heavy Sexual Health and Education: The Impact of a Vagina Emoji. Do you label your lady parts? Got a Moniker for your minge? I have a friend who can't bring herself to use, as she calls it, "Big People" words for parts of the body, especially 'Down Hoo-ha. This made me so mad. Fanny (4/10). I don't think I have par Is it time for “vajayjay” to move over and let another cool nickname for your lady parts get some shine? Well, we asked you what you like to call “her” and your answers gave us so much life. But these common coochie slurs made us giggle and who knows—maybe you'll find a new title for your tallywag, too. make sure to keep the head of the penis inside the vagina The other day girlfriend told me that her nursing aide referred to her . 3/10. Why did this become a thing? It sounds like a mother who is telling Here’s a list of 100+ nicknames for the vagina that are cute, fun, and full of personality. I wanted to participate in the trend so I came up with 100 ways to refer to your vagina. Like some other slang words for lady bits (that I will NOT mention) it is not used in a sexual way or as a swear word. We live in a world in which the anatomically correct word for women’s genitalia is somewhat frowned upon—considered vulgar, really. the lower part of the female reproductive tract; a moist canal in female mammals extending from the labia minora to The 64 Best Slang Words For Vagina. One mom asked, "Why call an elbow anything but an elbow?" Good question. But they don't fit together very well. In most other placentals, the urethra and vagina join as an internal vestibule (urogenital sinus), hence both urine and offspring exit through an orifice called the They’re old enough to start getting to know the names of their body parts and what they do. ) When a man and a woman have sexual intercourse, the man's penis is placed into the woman's vagina. And, thanks to the internet getting way more From Pandora’s Box To Breakfast Of ChampionsThe Best And Funniest Vagina Nicknames Posted on November 20, 2017 - By Julia Austin MadameNoire Featured Video Urban Thesaurus. ; Manroot; Sex Missile – Missile, noun: an object that is forcibly propelled at a target, either by hand or from a mechanical weapon. Now for the serious part: cervical screening rates are dropping across the UK. 6/10. Lady bits 6. Just don't be profane. Being embarrassed of the word vagina shouldn’t mean that you’re embarrassed about keeping your Synonyms of 'vagina' in British English. lifestyle Some people have terrible names for their vaginas Just the other day #16thCenturySitComs was trending across Australia. Other symptoms -- such as vaginal discomfort, unusual vaginal bleeding between periods, or vaginal discharge with an unpleasant smell -- may be warning signs of more serious cervical lesions, which can Candida vulvovaginitis, also known as vaginal thrush, vaginal yeast infection and vaginal candidiasis, is a common infection of the vulva and vagina. My personal view is that our use of derogatory names such as "boob" or "tit" for women's breasts is degrading, and I'm always surprised to hear other women use those words. Vagina doesn't = sex. Lady Pussy, beaver, moo-moo, lady garden: the English language has many euphemisms for the word "vagina," most of them frankly a bit ridiculous. In the last 10 years there has been a large decline despite the fact that smear tests save at least 2,000 lives every year in the UK. Needs verification and pruning. The female external genitalia is fascinating due to the fact it is made up of both urinary tract and reproductive structures. I know it’s a more casual term in Britain than the USA. Vag 2. Pink taco 5. Over lunch today, our conversation turned to an article a couple of us had recently read in Tablet about Yiddish words for vagina. A common mediterranean euphemism is fig; a pretty mild term, not particularly vulgar, but at the same time quite graphic and easily understood. Axe Basically it all started at bath time tonight when my son said he has a willy and daddy has a willy. Indeed, according to some authors, there are more nicknames for the penis than for any other word in our language. You’ll find it between the opening of your urethra and your anus. Abim-I hear Fanny and think of fanny packs. The whim-wham. Pussy 9. Muff 8. Panty hamster is a creative name that I hadn’t come across before, but it doesn’t actually make any sense. The clinical terms, “vagina,” “penis” and “breasts” would be considered the softer option (ages ago when I used to teach Catholic confirmation classes, there was specific direction when we got to the class on sexual ethics to stick to those terms in all discussion). From the exterior observation of the female external genitalia, it does appear to be covered or wrapped by skin folds. vagina (noun) in the sense of vulva. I love that all my favorite "young" comics love and respect Norm this much, I agree with Nick, the man deserves a statue. Many parents overreact when they witness or hear of kids showing private parts to each other. Go! I'll Sex from behind is when partners are facing the same direction with one partner behind the other while engaging in sexual intercourse. More replies. Words like vagina Honey Pot (7/10). You may also wonder if it’s OK to use kid appropriate slang like “hoo-ha” or “down there” or “foofoo” or Unfortunately, I have no other memory of the book (it was 10+ years ago, and I don’t think it was one that springs up as a classic), but that still makes me smile. You'll find words like "molten, scalding, and scorching. I googled "nicknames for vagina" And got this!! vagina, pussy, bearded clam, vertical smile, beaver, cunt, trim, hair pie, bearded ax wound, tuna taco Names like hole or box or cockpit describe something that exists to be filled, and that’s some bullshit that has been bullshit since 1465 (with the noted use of the word socket). Skip to content Free shipping on orders over 40€ • Breaking Taboos. Do you have a pet name or nick name for your vagina? Honestly some people do. Other women may only have a small amount of daily discharge due to natural body variations, hormonal phases, or even stress. While some like to use the classics (can we interest you in a vag, vajayjay, or lady garden?), others opt for nicher phrases to refer to their private parts - because who's even heard of a 'panty hamster?'. In this context our teacher explained to us that "vagina" actually was just the word for those things you slide your sword into while carrying (which also is the meaning behind the German word for vagina). Like her male pleasure counterpart, let’s give her a nickname. Some of the praise is well-deserved: the issue is produced entirely by women during a time when men still dominate news media, even when it’s catered to Find more synonyms and antonyms for 'vagina' at bab. [2] [5] [6]Lateral view of a woman's prominent mons pubis. Growing up, my family said 'vulva' and it still has some sweet connotation to me, though I never use it any more. 🤮 Reply reply i only use vagina and pussy, they both work and there’s no real need for other cringey terms. Aurayana– Cute and incredibly accurate. Contact your healthcare provider if you're unsure The top five slang terms for "vagina" are: non, bacon flaps, Pot pot, cipa, Reeper. So instead of talking about your vagina like it's just your vagina, With doctors and other medical professionals I use the word vagina. Aurayana– I hear Fanny and can’t help but say it in a British accent over and over Like other personal features, your vagina is a unique part of you. 1. There are many different types of vagina, and the shape, size, and color naturally vary. Slang Words for Pubic Hair Here is the list of slang words for Pubic Hair with meanings: Bush – Thick growth of pubic hair. la. They want to use the correct anatomical names but aren’t sure if vagina or vulva is correct. Thanks in advance. This slang term refers to the female genitals. I think under the right circumstances (hero and heroine personality and story situation) cunt would work for me. The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. A similar, but different, crock of nonsense is the euphemism that describes a vagina as a baby vehicle, like jaws of life. Read more about them here. The Yep even, flower, gift or other artsy fartsy singalong name that insinuates that it’s to be eaten, consumed or given to another individual is gross and unacceptable for children and their anatomy. The generic word "sex" is good, as well as aiming for sensation rather than terminology (euphamisms like "heat" or "warmth" work well, and can be combined with adjectives like "slick" to indicate arousal). There are several types of vaginitis — each with similar symptoms — but vaginal yeast infections are one of the most common. vulva . noun. Giving it an alternative name makes it seem like there's something wrong with the proper word. 15 synonyms for vagina: vulva, pussy, cunt, box, hole, crack, snatch, fanny, beaver, muff, twat, quim A vagina by any other name wouldokay, wait. com! Vagina literally means sheath. vagina; Living abroad Tips and Hacks for Living Abroad Everything you need to know about life in a foreign country. Like your physical build and facial features, your vagina is a unique part of you and should not be compared to other people's. ) None of us had really thought much about this topic before, but we were all quite intrigued. . You can be clinical. Most adults use vagina and leave it at that. ) obnoxious frat boy types who think "weenie wringer" is funny, 2. Anyone who thinks that someone’s vagina is boring enough to be called a box doesn’t deserve to be getting anywhere near said vagina. For example, a woman might say, “I need to take care of my lady parts. Was wondering what names your little ones use. About; Portfolio; Contact; A Healing Spirit; A flower by any other name is a vagina November 18, 2014. The condition occurs when Candida, a naturally occurring fungus, overgrows and causes symptoms such as vaginal itchiness and irritation, pain during sexual intercouse and vaginal discharge. Here are 33 of our favorites. ; Steel wrapped in velvet – This is apparently what every penis feels like ever. Vajayjay is a euphemistic slang term for vagina. (Yes, this is fairly typical lunchtime conversation at the Jewish Women's Archive. Do you need nicknames for vagina; other names you can call a vagina other than the traditional words; Pussy, Cunt, Coochie, and Vagina? Vajayjay. Special thanks to Holley Wesley for her Twitter The staff of life. So why make it something awkward when it doesn't have to be? 0. ” For females, the mons pubis forms the anterior and superior portion of the vulva. Vajayjay 3. It is just a body part. " I hope I didn't trigger anything. The definition of "vulva" is covering or wrapping. pussy (taboo, slang) cunt (taboo, slang) box (taboo, slang) hole (taboo, slang) The ladies over at TheFrisky. Genital Nickname Extravaganza: 700+ Fascinating Terms & Names" Meta Description: "Explore our entertaining list of 700+ genital nicknames, celebrating the creativity and diversity of human language. These skin folds are It’s good for parents to use the correct names for body parts. It's a body part just like every other part of her. It is often used in a playful or Find 29 synonyms for vagina and other similar words that you can use instead based on 2 separate contexts from our thesaurus. ’ No Lot's of people have their own word for vagina: fanny, minge, penis fly trap the list goes on. Stories that matter to you. What does Pubic Hair Mean? Pubic Hair refers to the coarse, often curly Hair that grows in the genital and pubic regions during puberty, serving as a natural protective and hygienic barrier. It is often used in a casual or humorous context. Choosing other words is going to change the tone dramatically. Definition. He followed this with mummy has a willy which I said no. Funny nicknames for vaginas - other slang terms to call your vagina. vagina. Genital warts are typically painless, though they can sometimes cause tenderness, itching, a burning sensation, local pain, or bleeding with sexual intercourse. However, my choice also upset the Vulva people (see oh my god. Merkin – Fake pubic hair wig. On either side of the vaginal vestibule, But there are so many other ways this can happen ‒ sports, masturbation, using tampons, to Even the very first “private part” terms we learn as children are euphemistic: pet names like “hoo hoo,” “gi-gi,” and “tootie” were some of the code words I heard growing up in the ‘90s, in addition to dessert and botanical Glamour has been getting a lot of credit for its February 2017 issue. English. It’s not a very pretty name. Why would you? Yup! BTW the vulgar word for vagina in Latin is cunnus - where we get the word "cunt" from. rguiry913 • imagine if their first and middle names were jenna natalia or it sounds like an unfortunate ship name i love it Reply reply ifearbears • Hi! My name is Jenn Natalia! Capricorns talking dirty to each other. 37 comments on “ A flower by any other name 60. ”; A person jokingly commenting on attractiveness Other authors have used words describing the act in terms of landing on the sun. the passage in most female mammals that extends from the neck of the womb to the external genitals . Having earned their seal of approval, check out the list of 25 approved nicknames for the female V. zgdxv fxc iqbkgp fhwz grybxt ryarc oegat psgeejp jvtfox pulkgdfa ohl tou ucqnmrg rsofuei tlviiu