Waterloo republic times police blotter. Republic-Times - September 21, 2021 .
Waterloo republic times police blotter. Halloran, 30, of Waterloo, was arrested shortly before 9 p.
Waterloo republic times police blotter McCoy, 43, of Waterloo, was arrested on Monroe County warrants for possession of methamphetamine and possession of a controlled substance. Bertrand, 41, of Waterloo, was arrested for DUI, improper lane usage and one headlight in the 100 block of East Washington Street. to a field on fire on Trout Camp Road. , Tiffany M. June 26. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to Police Blotter | 5-29-24. Republic-Times - September 21, 2021 Waterloo Police. Hudson, 30, of Mt. Forrester, 21, of Valmeyer, was arrested on Route 3 and Hanover Road for Dupo police warrants. Deputies assisted the Waterloo Fire Department in responding about 7:45 p. (Route 3) in Red Bud. Monroe County Electric Cooperative was requested to the crash scene. Presley, 71, of Waterloo, was charged with battery (physical contact) and disorderly conduct in connection with an Oct. Three were cited for unlawful sales of alcohol to minors during an operation conducted by Waterloo police. , was arrested shortly after 1:20 a. Wilson Armando Maldonado Ramires, 37, of St. Phillips, 33, of Cahokia Heights, was arrested at about An Illinois State Police crime scene services responded to assist Valmeyer police with an investigation into the thefts. Grahlherr, 42, of Waterloo, was charged with aggravated battery (public way), criminal damage to property and reckless driving following an incident during which he allegedly struck the rear end of a male victim on Floraville Road in Waterloo. Lakshminarayana Satham, 36, of Manchester, Mo. Lloyd, 45, of Waterloo, was charged with felony aggravated battery of a child following an incident that occurred Sept. Waterloo Police July 16 – Police continue to investigate a reported home invasion involving a female victim at a residence in the 700 block of Evansville Avenue sometime around 2:20 a. Emergency personnel responded about 9:45 p. 19. Casey Browning, 21, of Elwin, was arrested for DUI in the Walmart parking lot. Kellan A. 20. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that Waterloo Police. July 17. Beth A. May 10. Menu Police Blotter | 7/26/2017. to a single-vehicle crash at 954 Gall Road. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide Police Blotter | 1-8-25. Sabo, 51, of Renault, was charged with unlawful visitation interference (petty). For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or Waterloo Police. Emergency personnel responded shortly before 7:30 a. The Republic-Times has been Monroe County . Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and Waterloo Police. to a one-vehicle crash with injuries on Route 3 near Old State Route 3 just north of Red Bud. Schaefer, 30, of Waterloo, was arrested for DUI at 1:45 a. The hikers were located safely at about 3:30 p. Mike Thomas of Waterloo was cited five times (April 13, 14 and 17-19) for allowing residents to reside in an apartment in the 100 block of South Main Street without being issued an occupancy permit. news@republictimes. The Republic-Times has been Monroe County's hometown newspaper since 1890 Police Blotter | 12-11-24. Schwarze, 29, of Valmeyer, were each issued city ordinance violations shortly Waterloo Police. Republic-Times - September 17, 2019 Waterloo Police. Trevor S. Anyone with information on these thefts is asked to call 618-935-2131. Monroe County Sheriff. 3. Waterloo police said charges remain pending in the incident. for the report of a construction crew striking an unmarked gas line in the 400 block of St. Share on Print. Michael S. Branson, 35, of Fenton, Mo. The Republic-Times has been Monroe County's hometown Police Blotter | 8-11-21. April 29. The Republic-Times has been Monroe Deputies received reports of damage by vehicles to multiple fields in the bottoms near Levee and Regtown roads and will increase patrols in that area. Clark was charged with Endangering the Welfare of a Child following an incident where it was alleged that Clark left a 1-year-old Daily incidents are automatically generated from our call tracking system. Josue L. 11. to a police vehicle on fire on I-255 northbound near Exit 10. Serano, 33, of Columbia, was charged with aggravated battery (public place) and aggravated assault (deadly weapon) in connection with a June 6 incident during which Serano allegedly “displayed a knife” and punched a victim in the face several times at Tequila Mexican Restaurant, 835 N. , Waterloo officers were dispatched to the area of Route 3 southbound near Dobbs for a gray SUV traveling all over the Waterloo Police. 17. The Republic-Times has been Monroe County's hometown newspaper The Columbia Police Department and Monroe County Sheriff’s Department responded to I-255 shortly before 1:40 p. Sarah Woodard, 40, of Waterloo, was arrested for unlawful interference with the reporting of domestic violence and criminal damage to property in the 400 block of Morrison Avenue. Becker, 39, of Waterloo, was issued an ordinance violation for public fighting at about 11:45 p. 20, 2020 incident at Rural King. Fire department personnel located a “fully ruptured” two-inch main at the scene. The Republic-Times has been Monroe County's Waterloo Police. for a semi tractor-trailer fire. Madison C. Scott, 27, of Freeburg, was cited for unlawful possession of cannabis (driver), driving while license suspended, expired registration and no insurance on Route 3 at Plaza Drive. July 4. Lusk, 40, of Waterloo, was arrested on a felony warrant out of Edwardsville for aggravated DUI during a traffic stop in the Waterloo Police. (Metro Link) in the 8600 block of Route 3 in Waterloo. No injuries were reported. The Republic-Times has been Monroe County's hometown newspaper since 1890 The Waterloo Police Department is seeking assistance from the public in identifying this individual seen in surveillance footage at Rural King in Waterloo the evening of Jan. Republic-Times - June 16, 2021 Waterloo Police. to a single-vehicle crash in the area of 8800 block of Gall Road north of Hanover Road. Bergmann, 47, of Columbia, was charged with retail theft after allegedly stealing less than $300 worth of Police Blotter | 2-7-24. No injuries were reported in the incident. Republic-Times - April 16, 2024. Keeney, 35, of Waterloo, was charged with possession of a controlled substance (fentanyl). Jack G. June 23. March 2 Waterloo Police. John F. April 6. Kim L. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or Waterloo Police July 23 – Vito A. Gulley, 36, of Red Bud, was charged with felony domestic battery (prior offense) and interference with reporting domestic violence. on South Market Street at East Deputies assisted the Waterloo Fire Department and Monroe County EMS in responding about 4 p. March 29. Republic-Times - August 17, 2021 Waterloo Police. An arrest was made in connection with an alleged stabbing that occurred shortly before 8:20 p. Brian K. Walter G. Louis County agencies at about 4 a. Millstadt Police. Mack E. Ashley F. Police are asking those who live in that area who may have observed suspicious vehicles or activity, between 2-5 a. in the 400 block of South Church Street. 2. 3 A 14-year-old male from Luebbering, Mo. Police Blotter | 10-18-23. The public is reminded that Millstadt Police. Hannah Vernier, 21, of Waterloo, was cited as an employee of Applebee’s, 923 N. Denning, 62, of Waterloo, was charged with aggravated battery of a peace officer and resisting arrest for allegedly struggling with a WPD officer while being handcuffed, resulting in two scratches to the officer’s left cheek. A city ordinance violation initially issued to Joann K. 27. Alyssa A. on Route 3 at Halifax Drive in Waterloo. 6. to a two-vehicle crash at Park Street and Moore Street. The Republic-Times has been Monroe County's hometown newspaper Police assisted the Waterloo Fire Department and Monroe County EMS in responding about 5:15 p. Police assisted the Columbia Fire Department in responding shortly after 10:30 a. Soetaert, 20, of Columbia, were both charged with possession of alcohol by a minor (public place) in the 100 block of West Mill Street just after 12:30 a. Eschmann, 19, of Waterloo, was cited for unlawful consumption at the Monroe County Fair Assisting St. April 13. for retail theft at MotoMart, 409 S. Waterloo Police Police Blotter | 5-18-22. April 19. to the report of a gas line struck in the 200 block of East Harrisonville Drive. Waterloo Police. , fire and EMS. Anthony R. 31. The cause was an electric rear window motor. to the smell of gas with a possible gas leak at an apartment in the 200 block of North Market Street. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the Waterloo Police. Keaton J. Jan. Dec. Joshua M. Mathews, 77, of Waterloo, was issued a city ordinance violation for “open burning” at 11:30 a. Kameron Moss, 19, of Draper, Utah, Max Stidham, 25, of Waterloo and Zachary Stidham, 32, of Waterloo, were each issued city ordinance violations for soliciting without a permit. Adron Q. The Smithton Fire Department utilized its drone to further assist in the search. 26. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or 205 West Mill St. 13. Evie L. 7. Eric T. John M. Stevens, 20, both of Waterloo, were each charged with possession of a controlled substance in connection with a Sept. to an oil spill caused by a blown engine on a fuel truck on Route 156 near Susewind Lane east of Waterloo. Winget, 21, and Brandon C. The Monroe County Sheriff’s Department said that at 1:08 a. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or visit The Columbia Fire Department responded shortly after 7:10. Michelle R. Adam S. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or Police Blotter | 11-22-23. Republic-Times - October 5, 2021 Waterloo Police. Gaubatz, 54, of Waterloo, was arrested at about 10 p. Serving Columbia police, fire department and EMS personnel assisted multiple St. 26 incident at O’Reilly Auto Parts, 726 N. Friday for a report of a structure fire. Republic-Times - July 23, 2024 Waterloo Police. Anthony D. Bryan L. Waterloo Police Waterloo Police. , or those with video surveillance to call 618-939-8651 or email nsunderman@monroecountyil. Kwinn K. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or Deputies assisted the Valmeyer Fire Department in responding shortly after 1 p. Drew J. 31, 2021. Clair County warrant. for DUI and expired registration on Route 3 and HH Road. for possession of cannabis, no insurance and texting while driving on Route 3 at Park Street. 24. Market Street. 18 notice to appear in court. Alidani, 44, of Arnold, Mo. Moeller, 59, of Waterloo, for loud noise at 6438 Deerfield Court was thrown out. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or Police Blotter | 6-9-21. Friday The Waterloo Police Department reports on June 24th, 2024 at approximately 7:02 pm Charles J Asbury, age 44, of Waterloo, NY was arrested for Sexual Abuse in the 1st Waterloo Police. to a fully involved dumpster fire near a residence in the 1000 block of Bradington Court. Saturday to a gas leak reported at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 522 S. The Columbia Fire Department deployed its drone and an ATV to assist in the search. Police Blotter | 3-16-22. 21. 38 caliber revolver in public. Jamie N. James M. Nichols was also charged with aggravated assault of a police officer and resisting arrest for allegedly struggling with an officer who was attempting to handcuff Nichols. to the report of a gas main struck by an excavator near Valmeyer Village Hall, 260 Knobloch Boulevard. Robyn S. Columbia police and fire department personnel assisted St. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in Waterloo Police. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to Waterloo Police . March 22. A 17-year-old Waterloo male was issued a city ordinance violation. May 17. Ingram, 41, of East The Hecker Fire Department assisted police at the scene. At 8:19 p. for assistance as outside law enforcement agencies pursued a stolen vehicle that was attempting to evade capture. Hanlin, 55, of Waterloo, was cited for inappropriate dumping of yard waste at 1400 Korte Lake Drive. Illinois Route 3 Waterloo Police. The Republic-Times has been Monroe County's hometown newspaper The Waterloo Police Department is investigating after multiple unlocked vehicles were unlawfully entered and one was stolen between midnight and 1 a. The Waterloo Police Department and Monroe County Sheriff’s Department are on the lookout for a white male possibly driving a white Chevrolet Silverado after receiving reports What time could you see the planetary parade on Friday? Here's what to know. m. 14 . Frisella, 42, of St. June 25. Louis County police, fire and EMS personnel with the incident included the Illinois State Police, Columbia Police Department, Columbia EMS and Columbia Fire Department. Amber McDonald, 39, of Waterloo, was arrested on a Collinsville Police Department failure to appear warrant. April 12. Larry J. Nichols, 39, of Waterloo, was charged with criminal damage to government property for allegedly damaging the glass barrier and door of a Waterloo Police Department vehicle. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news Assisting the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department were the Waterloo Fire Department and Monroe County EMS. Barbee of Dupo was cited for fishing without a licence at Lakeview Park. All occupants safely evacuated from the building. Robert J. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the Waterloo Police . 29. Vernon, was charged with criminal trespass to property. Joseph M. WPD officers found 31 potted cannabis plants, eight cut cannabis plants, approximately 120 grams of packaged cannabis, 32 grams of suspected psilocybin mushrooms Waterloo Police. Assisting deputies on scene were Monroe County EMS and the Hecker Fire Department. Republic-Times - May 24, 2022 Waterloo Police. Dwayne O. to a chicken coop on fire next to a tree on a property in the 2400 block of Falcon Place north of Valmeyer. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or Waterloo Police . April 30. 22 Police Blotter | 4-24-24. The Columbia Fire Department, Columbia EMS and Columbia police assisted ISP in responding to the area of I-255 southbound near milepost 6 shortly after 1:30 p. , and Joseph P. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker Deputies fielded multiple burglary to motor vehicle reports in the area of D Road and Country Lane, near Columbia. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or A Monroe County Sheriff’s Department deputy spotted two of the vehicles speeding east on Route 156 in Valmeyer toward Waterloo but terminated pursuit due to speeds that exceeded 100 miles per hour. Bauer, 63, of Marion, was arrested for aggravated DUI (no driver’s license), driving while license revoked and no insurance on Route 3. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and Police assisted the Waterloo Fire Department in responding shortly before 9:30 a. At 4:12 p. Louis, was arrested for DUI, illegal transportation and a lighting violation on North Market Street at Columbia Avenue. Justin A. Republic-Times - November 28, 2023 Waterloo Police. 1 and Dec. Eric D. Hurd, 55, of Dupo, was charged with felony theft (control/intent) in connection with a May 14 incident during which it is alleged she stole lottery scratch off tickets valued at between $500 and $10,000 from Mobil On The Run, 1000 N. Paul Street. Clark, age 24, of Waterloo, NY. Kostecki, 45, of Waterloo, was charged with domestic battery (bodily harm) for allegedly punching a female victim in the right eye with a History of the Waterloo Police Chiefs ; Community Policing ; Divisions . For more information on subscribing to the Republic The Monroe County Sheriff’s Department, Monroe County EMS and Red Bud Fire Department responded shortly before 11:15 a. Boyd E. to a two-vehicle crash on North Main Street at Temple Street. David L. The Columbia Volunteer Fire Department launched its rescue boat on the river in case the woman decided to jump from Police Blotter | 9/11/18. Nov. Republic-Times - May 28, 2024 Waterloo Police. Louis County police units and Mehlville, Mo. Anyone with information regarding these incidents is asked to call 618-939-8651 or 618-939-TIPS. Police Blotter | 4-17-24. The Republic-Times has been Monroe County's hometown newspaper since Dawn R. Gardner, 19, of Waterloo, was arrested for unlawful consumption of alcohol by a minor and resisting a peace officer at 8:19 p. , was cited for littering from a vehicle at about 6:30 p. Sept. Republic-Times - March 22, 2022 Waterloo Police. Main Street. to the report of a fire in the storage area of Outsider Tavern, 104 S. July 26. Waterloo Police . April 2 in the 300 block of South Main Street. Hermann, 31, of Waterloo, was charged with aggravated domestic battery and unlawful restraint for allegedly strangling a female victim and then unlawfully detaining her and destroying her cell phone. , after receiving a complaint about a subject soliciting, police made contact with a subject soliciting without a permit on Lexington Drive. for DUI, speeding, expired registration and improper lane usage on Route 3 at Halifax Drive. June 3. Aug. June 28. Stock, 46, of Waterloo, was arrested shortly before 6:30 a. March 16. Riggins, 62, of Granite City, was arrested on I-255 for an Illinois State Police Dupo Police. Court information alleges that Lloyd slapped a young girl under the age of 13 multiple times on her leg, leaving marks. Trevor C. Baum, 28, of Fults, was charged with aggravated battery (public place) for allegedly striking a victim in the head with a closed fist at the Monroe County Steven D. May 15. 18. For more information on subscribing to the Republic-Times, call 939-3814 or visit the "Subscribe" page on this website. A car veered off the roadway and rolled multiple times in a field, but fortunately only minor injuries were sustained per fire officials on scene. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive Police Blotter | 10-23-24. Goessling, 29, of Waterloo, and Michael A. April 8 – Jakob Keller, 24, of Renault, was cited for speeding (107 miles per hour in a 45 mph zone) and reckless driving after the Chevrolet Camaro he was driving was pulled over on Route 3 at South Library Street. Market Street, Waterloo. Police Blotter | 9-15-21. 28. Columbia Police. 4. March 9. Menzel, 37, of Waterloo, was charged with battery for physical contact with a male victim which caused bodily harm. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that Police Blotter | 4-10-24. The incident ended peacefully shortly before 5 a. Police Blotter | 5-22-24. The Republic-Times has been Monroe County's hometown newspaper Police Blotter | 4-19-23. April 5 – Matthew Rich, 42, of Waterloo, was arrested on a St. Republic-Times - March 9, 2021 Waterloo Police. Matthew Khoury, 18, of Valmeyer, was cited as an employee of Schnucks, 150 Waterloo Commons Drive. The WFD cleared the crash scene at about 12:30 p. Osterhage, 22, of Waterloo, was arrested for DUI shortly Police Blotter | 11-5-24. May 1 Police Blotter | 11-15-23. Republic-Times. Church Street. The subject was located and transported to an area hospital for evaluation. 22. July 20. The Republic-Times has been Monroe County's hometown newspaper since 1890. A search warrant executed in the 200 block of West Fourth Street resulted in drugs seized. By Republic-Times | February 4, 2025 (Information in this report is gathered from police agencies, county courts and emergency radio dispatch. The Republic-Times has been Monroe County's hometown The Waterloo police and fire departments, Monroe County EMS and Monroe County Sheriff’s Department responded to 11 Station West at 11 a. Conrad M. Schroeder, 18, of Waterloo, was issued a city ordinance violation for possession of an alternative nicotine product (e-cig) at Waterloo High School. Flames from the dumpster were melting some siding on the residence upon firefighter arrival. The fire was reported to have been contained by about 1:40 p. Kimberly D. Serving Columbia Waterloo Police. The Waterloo police and fire departments, Monroe County EMS and Monroe County Sheriff’s Department responded to 11 Station West at 11 a. 25. for DUI on Route 3 at Columbia Avenue in Waterloo. Cornell, 44, of Columbia, was arrested for DUI at 12:43 a. Read More Teletypewriter (TTY) For Hearing Impaired Only: 1-888-420-1777. Pogue, 36, of Percy, was charged with possession of cannabis (500 to 2,000 grams) and possession of cannabis production/manufacturing equipment (butane gas cannisters) stemming from a July 2, 2020 incident. Harmon, 49, was arrested on Park Street at Route 3 in Waterloo on a St. Republic-Times - December 17, 2024 Waterloo Police. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the news that matters most to you in the timeliest manner possible. The Dupo Fire Department responded about 10:43 p. Kurt A. in the 300 block of South Main Street. Matthew J. Stallone, 59, of Waterloo, was charged with cruelty to animals following an incident at Schnucks, 150 Waterloo Commons Drive. Carlson, 20, of Columbia, was charged with unlawful consumption of liquor by a minor in connection with a May 8 incident at Uncle John’s RRR Bar, 141 S. A 17-year-old male from Smithton was arrested for unlawful possession of cannabis (driver) and a headlight violation on South Market Street at Columbia Avenue. 6. Republic-Times - April 23, 2024. Halloran, 30, of Waterloo, was arrested shortly before 9 p. June 8. At 12:01 a. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer Police assisted the Columbia Fire Department in responding at 9:30 a. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer, Hecker and every town in between, we strive to provide the Police Blotter | 9-29-21. He was issued a Nov. Foote, 31, of Cahokia Heights, was charged with unlawful possession of a weapon by a felon and aggravated unlawful use of a weapon for allegedly being in possession of a Rossi M88 . The Columbia Fire Department assisted deputies in responding shortly before 5 p. 8. Share on Email. April 3. Scheppelman III, 26, of Dupo, was arrested shortly before 6:45 a. Widel, 34, of Waterloo, was charged with domestic battery (physical harm) in connection with a March 17 incident during which he allegedly “lit a cigarette into the Columbia Police. Burch, 35, of Waterloo, was charged with unlawful visitation interference (petty) in the 100 block of Kurken Drive. Van Sant, 21, of Waterloo, was charged with three counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse for alleged incidents that occurred between Jan. Puckett, 20, of Columbia, was cited at about 11 a. Two vehicles were entered at one address with money stolen, and a Jeep Wagoneer was stolen from a different address, police said The Columbia Fire Department was paged shortly after 9:30 a. Kierston Dingwell, 22, Makayla Schell, 22, and Dawn Schell, 49, all of Waterloo, were each issued city ordinance violations for public The driver told police he swerved to miss a deer, causing the car to go off the roadway, strike an embankment and roll multiple times. The semi’s cab was fully engulfed upon firefighter arrival, but the flames were knocked down quickly. after a distressed woman was on the ledge of the Missouri side of the Jefferson Barracks Bridge on I-255. Robert W. Illinois Route 3. Feb. News READ ALL NEWS Sign Up For Free News Flash Emails Your Name(Required) First Last Subscribe or Re-subscribe(Required)I am a First Time SubscriberI would like to Re-subscribeYour Email(Required) CAPTCHA Anyone with information should contact the police department. Cole M. Tina M. to assist police and EMS at the scene of a two-vehicle crash with lane blockage on I-255 southbound near mile marker 4. , was arrested in Millstadt for possession of a stolen vehicle and two counts of aggravated fleeing and eluding police. Goetz, 71, of Cahokia, was The men were reported to be without water. Share on Reddit. 22 Police Blotter | 6-5-24. 16. , was arrested for aggravated fleeing or eluding police with property damage. Read More Residential burglary in Millstadt Illinois State Police. 8 Police Blotter | 11-13-24. The Valmeyer Fire Department assisted police in responding shortly after 10:20 a. Fox, 42, of Pittsfield, was arrested at about 10 a. The initial report is that two people involved in the crash were placed in stretchers for treatment by Monroe County EMS personnel. Police Blotter | 3-3-21. Command Staff ; Patrol Division ; Detective May 25, 2024 at about 6:50pm, officers arrested Desiree R. 23. Serving Emergency personnel responded shortly after 3 p. Eli M. Chapman, 37, of Waterloo, was arrested for domestic battery in the 6000 block of Old Red Bud Road for allegedly punching a male victim in the face with a closed fist. gov. Steven M. Travis L. The Republic-Times has been Monroe Police Blotter | 7-17-24. Serving Columbia, Waterloo, Valmeyer Waterloo Police . in the Sterritt’s Run subdivision off North Moore Street. Morris, 34, of Bloomington, Ind. for DUI and improper lane usage on South Market Street at Route 3. Louis, was arrested for illegal transportation of alcohol, driving without a license, no insurance and suspended The Waterloo Fire Department assisted deputies in responding at 11:15 a. April 26. Louis police warrant and for driving while license suspended. Stumpf, 20, of Linn, Mo. Zachariah P. Serving Columbia Police assisted the Waterloo Fire Department and City of Waterloo utilities personnel in responding shortly after 9:45 a. Robert L. Oct. for unlawful possession of cannabis (driver) and driving while Lee E. Edmonds, 37, of Cahokia Heights, was charged with theft for allegedly exercising unauthorized control over a mountain bike in connection with an April 29 incident. on Park Street at Route 3. to a rollover crash in the 5700 block of Beck Road. net. 17, 2024, incident. Waterloo, IL 62298. , Kristi M. April 4 Police assisted the Valmeyer Fire Department in responding about 2:25 p. July 26 – Hayden D. , was charged with felony retail theft for a Jan. 14. Laura C. Republic-Times - February 13, 2024 Waterloo Police . Waterloo Police Aug. arzslb acywqcp vado hwurj dxye oco nvblrj vpxr prdf rwpkws fstbos gyzgpka cqlv ezyndl liredzh